Culture/Identity Based


Sri Lankan Association (SLA) was established to represent the Sri Lankan/Sri Lankan American community in Ames in programs and international events at ISU. SLA will foster and promote friendship among the Sri Lankan/Sri Lankan American community. It will organize cultural programs and activities with the assistance of ISU to introduce Sri Lankan culture and heritage to the ISU and Ames communities.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File 1289181042.doc
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 12
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 1
Allowed Members No restrictions
Allowed Officers Must be a member of the organization
Membership Qualifications None
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection At the start of the fall semester
Meetings Weekly meetings on every Sunday.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Planning for future events. Advising new Sri Lankan students or members about adjusting to life in the US.

Description of Special Events

Sinhalese and Tamil New Year Festival Welcome BBQ Iowa State International Night Sri Lankan Dinner Night Community Potlucks Rummage Rampage