Sports & Recreation Sports Club


A competitive ice hockey club for women attending Iowa State. We are a part of the American Collegiate Hockey Association and play various collegiate teams throughout the country.


Constitution / Tier

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Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 20
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members 25
Allowed Officers 4
Membership Qualifications Anyone who has interest, previous experience is recommended and players are required to provide their own equipment.
Membership Restrictions Open to anyone who has interest in competing at a collegiate level.
Elections/Selection We elect new officer positions at the end of the competitive season in the fall semester.
Meetings There is one pre-season meeting where new members will become introduced to the club. We practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:45pm at the Ames/ISU Ice Rink and we have intercollegiate games on most Saturdays and Sundays.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Tuesday, and Thursday we have a one hour long practice at the Ames/ISU Ice Arena from 9:45-10:45pm. Games mostly every-other weekend once season starts (may be some open weekends, depending on schedule for that specific season).

Description of Special Events

Games on weekends: Usually leave Saturday mornings and take University vehicles to that specific destination. Stay one night in a hotel with the team. Then a game on Sunday morning, once the game is finished the team typically heads straight back to ISU.