Sports & Recreation


Spikeball is played using a Spikeball net, a Spikeball ball, and two teams of two people (four total). All the players line up around the net, one player on each ‘corner’ with teammates lining up next to each other. The game begins with one player from one team tossing the ball into the air then serving the ball off the net. The other team then has three hits or less to return the ball into the net. Every time the ball bounces off the net it is a change of possession and the other team has three or less hits to return the ball onto the net. Games are generally played to 21 using rally scoring. Other specific rules and regulations can be found at


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File SpikeballConstitutionDec1917.docx
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 9
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Unlimited
Allowed Officers 6 Max
Membership Qualifications Interested about Spikeball and how to play!
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection Elections every year
Meetings Weekly practices, and general meetings every so often to discuss upcoming tournaments across the nation.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Weekly practices are pretty casual. We will just meet in a place on campus (usually central campus) and set up some Spikeball nets, and play for a couple hours. The veterans can teach techniques, and skills about Spikeball to the less experienced of the group.

Description of Special Events

Special events for the Spikeball Club mostly include tournaments. We have hosted tournaments before, and we will host them in the future as well at Iowa State! There are also tournaments that we will travel to. The beginning of Fall semester, and end of Spring semester is when most of the tournaments are. There are also Regionals, and Nationals for Spikeball.