Academic - Engineering


This student organization is for enhancing the education of undergraduate and graduate students who are preparing to become geo-professionals. We participate in Geo-Institute-sponsored student activities at the annual and specialty conferences, including the GeoChallenges, career workshops and fairs, and professional-level education opportunities. We also do outreach programs for STEM awareness, with majority of our activities related to geotechnical engineering


Constitution / Tier

File Constitution-G-IISU.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 18
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Students, Faculty/Staff
Allowed Officers Students
Membership Qualifications You must be a multi-tasker or intending to be one!
Membership Restrictions None
Elections/Selection At the start of Fall semester
Meetings Meetings will be decided based on the Doodle poll and availability of the majority of the members

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Our regular meetings mainly focus on the discussion, planning and organization of the upcoming events. However, our major events will be : preparation for the student competition at the annual conference by Geo-Institute chapter of ASCE.

Description of Special Events

Outreach Events : STEM awareness for K-12 students. We conduct outreach events for STEM awareness for the K-12 students by having engaging activities and poster presentations related to geotechnical engineering.
Technical Talks by experts : We invite experts in the field of geotechnical engineering to give talks in their expertise fields
Travel to conference: We travel to regional and national conferences of Geo-Institute for paper presentation, poster presentation and/or networking
Social events : We hold social gathering events at start of major holidays and in-between semesters for networking and fun.