Sports & Recreation Sports Club


We are a D1-AA USA Rugby recognized club that is part of the Heart of America Conference. We travel across the Midwest and, at times, the nation to compete against other D1-A and D1-AA clubs. We play during the Fall from the first week of Fall term until Daylight Savings and we play during the Spring from the week after Spring Break until the weekend before Dead Week. We have both an A-side and a B-side so we encourage anyone and everyone to come out and play! Come out and join us!


Constitution / Tier

File MensRugbyClubatISUConstitution.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 53
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 1
Allowed Members ISU Students
Allowed Officers Any member of the team who has played one semester or more and meets the University's requirements.
Membership Qualifications No previous rugby experience is necessary. New members should be prepared for a lot of contact and conditioning.
Membership Restrictions If you have any medical issues or chronic injuries please consult a doctor before playing. Rugby is a contact sport and injuries/re-injuries can occur.
Elections/Selection Officer elections are held at the end of each semester.
Meetings We practice twice a week and have games on Saturdays during both the fall and spring semesters. Formal team meetings are held once per semester or more if needed.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

We meet twice a week for practice. When weather permits we practice at the Southwest Sports Complex Tuesday and Thursday nights at 5:00 pm. Winter training is conducted at Lied Rec Center. Games are held on Saturdays. Please email the president for more information on practice sessions.

Description of Special Events

Members are expected to participate in fundraisers to raise money for the club. Our fundraisers are held mainly through Levy Restaurants where we work at a concession stand during ISU football, basketball, volleyball, etc.