Culture/Identity Based


The purpose of the Vietnamese Student Association is to unite the Iowa State University community with the local Vietnamese community and to create more awareness about Vietnamese culture and history. We will do this through events along with school and community collaborations that not only promote Vietnamese culture and heritage, but also allow members to engage in leadership opportunities, team building, philanthropy, and individual growth.


This organization has no affiliations.

Constitution / Tier

File UpdatedISUVSAConstitution2.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Registered

Membership Information

Student Members 13
ISU Members 1
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members All Iowa State students, faculty, alumni, and community members
Allowed Officers Any Iowa State undergraduate student in good standing with the university
Membership Qualifications Must attend majority (51%) of all events/meetings to be considered a voting member/eligible to run for office
Membership Restrictions N/A
Elections/Selection Held yearly during the end of spring semester
Meetings We will be having Bi-weekly meetings in-person throughout the fall and spring semesters. You can join our community for news and updates on Instagram @ISUVSA or communicate with us via Instagram or email to have your student email in our list where we send out Bi-weekly newsletters! We have Bi-weekly meetings starting Thursday, September 12th, 2024 / /

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Our meetings consist of education on Vietnamese culture, history, current events, and Vietnamese American issues. We plan events and explore leadership opportunities for our community members to engage in. Create an agenda and brain storm ideas to push forth our mission. Social gatherings such as BBQ Cookout, Volleyball tournament, study night, and more!

Description of Special Events

Collaborate with other student organizations to create big cultural/historical events and greater connect the university community and the Vietnamese American community. Some times travel to other universities that also have a VSA and attend their events.
University of Iowa VSA has their annual Tet festival which we as ISU VSA are always excited to go every year! This one-day special event is created for all of us to celebrate Lunar New Years! University of Iowa VSA will provide Vietnamese food, entertainment, lion dance, and many fun activities to further celebrate and connect with other VSA memebers!