President Fatemeh Ganji
Treasurer Devanshi Mistry
Adviser Carmen Gomes
GradSWE Ambassador Esther Jokodola
Membership Chair Kamrun Nahar Keya
Outreach Chair Shadi Azad
Professional Development and Leadership Chair Shristi Shrestha
Publicity Chair Isabel Coffman
Secretary Rupsa Roy
Social Event Chair Betret Eustace
Vice GradSWE Ambassador Priyanka Lama
Vice Outreach Chair Veronica Kiuna
Vice President Maria Rojas Ibarra
Onyeka Onyenemezu
Vice Professional Development and Leadership Chair Vaishnavey Srinivasan Raghunath
Vice Publicity Chair Sarah Tyree
Vice Secretary Aparna Joshi
Vice Social Event Chair Richa Ghosh
Mahya Rahbar
Vice Treasurer Camilla Junaid