Academic - Intercollegiate Special Interest Sports & Recreation


We are a club dedicated to the advancement of the high-school/collegiate game known colloquially as quiz bowl. We participate in and hold our own tournaments and meet regularly to keep our skills well-tuned.


Constitution / Tier

File ratified-S16.pdf
Tier Student Organization - Affiliated

Membership Information

Student Members 7
ISU Members 0
Non-ISU Members 0
Allowed Members Any student
Allowed Officers Any member (voted)
Membership Qualifications Any student who has paid the appropriate dues to ISUQBC for the current semester shall be considered a member. All students at Iowa State University are eligible to become members.
Membership Restrictions ISU students who participate in any fashion in an intercollegiate event with ISUQBC are required to become members if this is not already the case. Here participation shall be defined as any member of the registered competition team and any support personnel deemed vital to the team's functioning by general consensus of the officers.
Elections/Selection /1 Officers are elected for one calendar-year term /2 The regular election shall take place between the eighth and twelfth weeks of the spring semester /3 Special elections to fill vacancies shall be held as soon as possible; officers thus elected shall serve until the end of the term /4 The election process is detailed in the Constitution
Meetings Meetings are held weekly. Meetings are currently open to any student, regardless of membership status. This semester, these meetings take place on Tuesdays at 7:30pm in Carver 0290.

Description of Regular Meetings/Activities

Meetings are held weekly and normally run by the president. Meetings consist of exposure to new information, practice question sets, and a smattering of social and spontaneous activity.

Description of Special Events

We compete in nationally affiliated competitions as well as smaller tournaments.