About the STAT-ers
The Iowa STAT-ers club was created in 1979 to encourage professional growth in the field of statistics, and to provide a social outlet for graduate students in the Department of Statistics. Toward this end, the STAT-ers sponsor seminars, run a reading group, plan parties and outdoor activities, and inform students of funding and services provided to graduate students.
The STAT-ers is recognized as a student organization by the Graduate and Professional Student Senate (GPSS) and receives a portion of its funding from it. The remaining funds come from member’s dues, or from fund raising activities (like recycling and the sale of STAT-ers t-shirts and STAT-ers calendars).
The Iowa STAT-ers Club is also a designated Student Chapter of the American Statistical Association (ASA) as of March 2016.
Social Activities
The STAT-ers social committee organizes several functions to provide opportunities for interaction outside the hallways of Snedecor. Traditional highlights feature the Talent Show (with skits and musical entertainment), the Halloween Party, tennis and golf tournaments, picnics, and a weekly Friday Afternoon Club.
Intramural Sports Teams
STAT-ers form teams in almost any sport imaginable, from flag football to sand volleyball to indoor soccer to softball to innertube water basketball. The main STAT-er sports remain broomball and volleyball, where past STAT-er legends can be remembered in the “Snedecor trophy case.” Weekly basketball and volleyball is also a time-honored tradition.
Positions and Committees:
All the possible positions with Stat-ers are listed below:
Officer Positions:
President: The “face of Stat-ers.” Liaise with the department, oversee all Stat-ers activities, keep the group in good standing with the university.
Vice President: Organize and facilitate company visits and interviews. (e.g. John Deere, 3M, etc.) Help the president when needed.
Treasurer: Keeps track of the money coming in and out of the Stat-ers budget. Work with the other elected officials to coordinate fun events.
Secretary: Keeps records of meetings of Stat-ers. Helps maintain the website and other officers organize activities.
Social Chair: Organize different activities during the year to provide opportunities for social interaction between students. Examples are the Halloween Party and the Chili Cook-Off!
Departmental Committees:
All positions are volunteer!
You may be on Stat-ers & departmental committees.
Departmental meetings usually only require 1-2 meetings per year.
Number of committees and student members will vary with the discretion of the chair.
Computation Advisory Committee (2)
Faculty Meeting Student Rep (1)
Honors & Awards Committee (2)
Safety Committee (2)
Social Committee* (3)
Snedecor Sustainability Committee (2)
Student/Faculty Committee on Instruction (2)
*Usually the same as the Stat-ers social committee, but not required to be.
Stat-ers Committees:
All positions are volunteer!
You’ll have an assigned exec board member to ask questions to.
All positions are for 1 person unless noted in parentheses.
First Year Representative: Schedule cleanings of the fridges in the lounge at the end of the month.
Birthday Coordinator: Schedule cake bakers for the 1st Friday of each month to celebrate the department members’ birthdays that month.
Poster Designer: Update the posters in the front entrance to include all current faculty, staff, and graduate students.
Community Service: (2-3) Organize charitable events for the Stat-ers.
Intramural Coordinator: Keep Stat-ers aware of IM sports schedule and register Stat-ers teams.
Recycling Collector: Collect the recycling from Snedecor and redeem at can recycling center, give the money to the treasurer.
Social Committee: (3) Help the social chair with planning and running social events.
Webmaster: Keep the Stat-ers website up-to-date. Work with photographer & secretary.
Photographer: Attend Stat-ers events, take photos, and send photos to Webmaster.
Reading Room Librarians: (2) Check back in and re-shelve books in the Reading Room.
Undergraduate Liaison: Liaise with the undergraduate statistics club when needed.
GPSS Senators: (2) Attend monthly GPSS meetings. Relay info from GPSS to department.
International Committee: (2-3) Help the social chair and committee plan and throw the international dinner, a large annual Stat-ers event!