Our Service Day fundraisers are the AST Club's involvement in the Ames Community. We have many repeat customers as we offer a service at a discounted rate while benefiting our club both monetarily and with hands-on experiences. As our events are held twice annually, we always look forward to working with our community and building better members.


The 2023 Lawn Mower Service Days event is scheduled for March 31st & April 1st. We will be accepting mowers Friday 1-6PM and Saturday 8AM-1PM. Read below for more details. Email ASTservicedays@gmail.com with questions or for pickup and delivery!


Snow Blower Service Days

Snow Blower Service Days takes place in the fall semester. Club members use a work-bay in Sukup Hall on a Friday afternoon and Saturday to service snow blowers. Ames residents can either drop their snow blower off at the door or make arrangements for the club's "Pickup and Delivery Crew" to transport their blower for an additional charge. The event will be taking place Friday, November 10th and Saturday the 11th. The event is such as follows:

  •  $25 for snow blower servicing.
  • Services include changing the oil, replacing spark plugs, cleaning air filter, and power washing snow blower.
  • $25 for pickup and delivery (Subject to additional fees out of city limits).

This most recent year the club serviced 102 Snow Blowers raising almost $3,000 for the club.

Lawn Mower Service Days

Lawn Mower Service Days is an annual fundraiser held in Sukup Hall in the early months of spring. During this event around 30 club members obtain use of a work bay to service the community’s lawn mowers. This gives the community an opportunity get their mowers prepared for the upcoming months and also give to a good cause. Community members can either drop off their mowers or we also have a couple vehicles going around picking up and delivering mowers. This year's event is being held Friday, March 31st and Saturday, April 1st. The event operates as follows:

  • Current rates are $35 for push mowers and no riding mowers.
  • $25 charge to pickup and deliver push mowers.
  • Service includes changing the oil, replacement of the spark plugs, sharpening of the blades, and a quick wash.

This past year the club serviced 186 lawn mowers and brought in over $7,500 for the club