Anders House (Barton)
Anderson House (Willow)
Arnquist House (Willow)
Ayres House (Welch)
Barker House (Lyon)
Barton-Lyon-Freeman Hall Council
Bates House (Willow)
Bean House (Geoffroy)
Bennett House (Friley Hall)
Bergman House (Welch)
Berry House (Geoffroy)
Beyer House (Welch)
Birch-Welch-Roberts Hall Council
Boyd House (Martin)
Brandt House (Linden)
Brown House (Helser)
Buchanan Hall Association
Busse House (Freeman)
Caine House (Larch)
Campbell House (Martin)
Carpenter House (Helser)
Cavazos House (Geoffroy)
Cessna House (Larch)
Converse House (Friley)
Coov-Lace House (Martin)
Cunningham House (Larch)
Dana House (Birch)
Davidson House (Eaton)
Day House (Geoffroy)
Deloria House (Geoffroy)
Doolittle House (Buchanan)
Durian House (Oak)
Eaton Hall Council
Ebbers House (Geoffroy)
Elwood House (Helser)
Emerson House (Larch)
Firkins House (Helser)
Fleming House (Helser)
Forbes House (Maple)
Fosmark House (Oak)
Franklin House (Roberts)
Frederiksen Court Community Council
Friley Senate
Fuller House (Buchanan)
Fulmer House (Linden)
Geddes House (Geoffroy)
Gilman House (Martin)
Greene House (Larch)
Haber House (Helser)
Hanson House (Larch)
Harwood House (Lyon)
Henderson House (Friley)
Hewitt House (Wilson)
Hoyt (Geoffroy)
Hughes House (Eaton)
Hutton House (Friley)
Inter-Residence Hall Association
Johnson House (Wilson)
Jones House (Eaton)
Kehlenbeck House (Larch)
Kimball House (Friley)
King House (Oak)
Knapp House (Friley)
Knowles House (Maple)
Kooser House (Geoffroy)
Lamson House (Wilson)
Lancaster House (Willow)
Lange House (Birch)
Larch Hall Council
Lawther House (Eaton)
Lincoln House (Friley)
Linden Hall Council
Lindstrom House (Birch)
Livingston House (Helser)
Lommen House (Willow)
Lorch-Russell House (Friley)
Louden House (Helser)
MacDonald House (Helser)
Mack House (Geoffroy)
Maney House (Buchanan)
Maple Hall Student Government
Martin Hall Council
Mashek House (Wilson)
Massie House (Geoffroy)
Matterson House (Wilson)
Meeker House (Friley)
Merrill House (Linden)
Miller House (Elm)
Mortensen House (Helser)
Murphy House (Friley)
Murray House (Buchanan)
National Residence Hall Honorary
Nelson House (Eaton)
Niles-Foster House (Friley)
Noble House (Friley)
O'Bryan House (Friley)
Oak Elm Hall Council
Owens House (Wilson)
Pakistan Student Association
Palmer House (Friley)
Pearson House (Friley)
Pennell House (Friley)
Platt House (Willow)
Rambo House (Wallace)
Raymond House (Martin)
Residence Leadership Conferences
Richey House (Helser)
Robinson (Geoffroy)
Roderuck House (Geoffroy)
Rothacker House (Wilson)
Rowe House (Helser)
Sadler House (Helser)
Schaefer House (Willow)
Schilletter & University Village Community Council
Schmidt House (Buchanan)
Sims House (Oak)
Spinney House (Friley)
Stange House (Friley)
Stanton House (Friley)
Starbuck House (Martin)
Stevenson House (Birch)
Stewart House (Linden)
Stonewall House (Freeman)
Tappan House (Barton)
Tiffany House (Geoffroy)
Tilden House (Eaton)
Tompkins House (Willow)
Turner House (Elm)
United Houses of Helser
United Residents of Off-Campus
Vance House (Buchanan)
Vollmer House (Freeman)
Wallace/Wilson Hall Council
Webber House (Wilson)
Werkman House (Wilson)
Willow Hall Association Members
Wolf House (Larch)
Woodrow House (Eaton)
Young House (Maple)